Thursday, November 12, 2009

Late at night, Feelin' right

Okay, so I'm feeling rather loopy right now, as you might have guessed from the title. It's currently 1:49 AM west coast time, and I'm up late trying to write my screenplay for the second night in a row (4:30 AM was last night's bedtime). I'm thinking about just making it an all-nighter. I've managed to make it all semester without one of those (shockingly), and maybe if I stay up all night I can actually do something fun for once. Plus, I just bought a new bag of Sumatra, and I'm rather addicted.

Again, I really shouldn't be writing this and instead writing my screenplay. I'm 6 pages from my quota for the week, which should be easy enough to write, but I'm just not feeling it right now. I sort of realized I was writing something completely unnecessary, so I need to get refocused. Maybe Terror of Mechagodzilla will help. Not the whole thing, just the super awesome intro.

I've been loving my job at Lin Pictures more and more. I'm loving the feeling of really being known there and seeing the work I've done this semester actually helping. I'm sad I only have one more month here.

That said, I do miss home. I'll be happy to enjoy one more classic Christmas at home. I'm just so excited about things to come: I have so much to look forward to and so much just to do! Life has become truly living and working toward the things I want to accomplish rather than certain hoops my educational institution wants me to jump through.

I'm really not focusing well right now even on this, so I'll cut it here. Sorry I haven't updated lately. Things have been crazy busy, but that is a good thing.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Let the Shooting Commence

So today was the first day of our HPW project. Lighting issues aside, it went pretty well. Hopefully the lighting can be corrected, but I don't know. It's a bit sketchy. I'm doing dailies with the director this evening to see if we need reshoots. Hope for the best!

Tomorrow will be easier. Our first shoot is inside, which will provide a much more controlled environment. I wish we had window gels for the massive windows, but hopefully our lighting will compensate. After that, we have a short shot on the front porch. Hopefully the sound environment will be kinder and we can get everything done expediently.

Overall, I think the film will turn out well. We're getting the comic tone so far, and on top of that I think it will be a fun little story. Our actors are all complimentary of the script, and I'm having fun making it.

In other Movie News, my internship has continued to get progressively better. I had a somewhat crazy week this past week, but it all worked out for good. There are some exciting things going on there now, but I'll withhold too much detail for the moment.

I'd like to tell you all much more about what I've been failing to fill you in on, but I've got loads of work to do, so I'll have to leave you here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On the rebound

Well, I finally found an affordable replacement for my laptop. I thought about fixing the old one, but instead I got a newer one for $500 more. It's a late 2008 unibody MacBook Pro. I'm really liking it so far. A lot of things have been reworked so that they look, work, and feel a lot better. On top of it being a good price, it has all the latest hardware (as far as graphics cards and bus speeds go), and it comes with two years of remaining AppleCare warranty. Therefore, instead of spending $800 on a laptop that could break again next week, I spent $1300 on one that I can have repaired for free if it breaks again next week. Or next month. Or next year!

I missed a meeting with my mentor today. That made me feel bad. Hopefully it's the last hiccup in rebooting from this computer catastrophe. I rescheduled, and this time it's in my phone so I won't forget! I hope, anyway. I was also supposed to go to the Price is Right today, but I had a lot of work to do and sleep to catch up on, so I passed. Still, I'm sad I missed the opportunity.

Work is still awesome. I've been lugging a monitor to and from for the past two weeks, but I can finally end that ridiculousness, and with style! Still waiting on getting back together with Marc Webb, but it'll happen. I almost missed the meeting because it was scheduled during a class period, but fortunately it was rescheduled. I've been in a lot of great meetings lately, and more are still to come both later this week and early next.

The weather has been all over the place lately. First it cooled off. Then it rained for several days. After the rain, it got super hot again. Now it's pretty temperate. Kinda funny, I just realized the crazy weather coincided with my computer craziness. It's weird how everything seems to go all off balance at once.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I quick word to the viewers at home

It's raining today! I got to walk across the lot to pick up a misdirected package, and I was so happy about the rain that I didn't even take an umbrella. I hope it keeps raining so I can get my car rinsed off on the way home. It gets dusty quick around here, especially with the ash from the wildfires.

I ordered a new Macbook on Saturday. Well, new to me, anyway. I'm still waiting for the guy to ship it. He told me it could take up to four business days, which I think is bull, but whatever. As long as it's pretty, it works right, and I don't have to keep lugging a monitor to work, I'll be happy. I should probably think about getting a job back home when I get back.

I can't wait until tomorrow night: Where the Wild Things Are employee screening at Warners! A full two days in advance! It's going to a great time for the LINeage crew (the name me and the other interns at Lin Pictures like to go by).

I'm running the phone for Steve today for the first time. All those semesters answering for Sue are about to pay off... if anyone actually calls. I'm about two and a half hours in and not a single call for Steve. Maybe everyone is out enjoying the weather?

Friday, October 9, 2009

A dream becomes a nightmare...

Los Angeles has truly been all I've been wanting it to be. I've been having the time of my life, as I've said so many times on this blog. However, everything has turned into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. It's only a temporary setback, but I've had about all I can take the past couple days.

I was already having a bad day Thursday. The night before revealed to me that I had no idea where to go with my villain in my screenplay for class, and I needed to give an outline of at least act two the next day. I eventually gave up, hoping I'd have more luck in the morning. After my morning class on Thursday, I decided to head over to the library for a quiet place to work. It was a bit far to walk, so I decided to longboard with my laptop in tow. I've carried my laptop in my bag a LOT while longboarding, and since the sidewalks are so flat here there's usually not much risk involved. Also, I was carrying it in a new shoulder-style backpack that I got at Office Depot for just $5, which is much more comfortable on the longboard, but doesn't offer as much protection as my other bag. Anyway, you can see where this is going.

I was literally right in front of the library when I hit a rough patch in the sidewalk. The concrete was patched with some asphalt, and the contrast covered up a very deep gap between the far side of the asphalt patch and the concrete sidewalk beyond. I had no time to react as my longboard came to an abrupt stop and launched me forward. I'm okay, just a few scuffs and scratches. It was my laptop that took the damage. Really, it didn't feel like that hard of a hit. I wasn't going very fast, so the fall was just a little bit more dramatic than simply falling forward. However, that direct hit to the corner of my laptop was enough to obliterate the screen. I'm able to type this story for you courtesy of a monitor I borrowed from the center, and I'm very grateful to have a way to keep working.

That was the hardest part, really. It's really high stress out here, with classes and internship. I'm in the midst of a huge project at my internship, and it's getting down to the nitty gritty in my screenplay writing class. Thursday was probably the pinnacle of stress for the semester, and this whole ordeal just pushed me way over the edge. I've really just kind of shut down the past couple days. I figured that I would sleep it off and really get into fix-it mode this morning, but I was still wound really tight. So other than just getting a list of places to get an estimate tomorrow morning, I've done no real work today. I went to see the Toy Story 3D double feature at the El Capitan, and the trip down memory lane was very therapeutic. It brought me back to simpler times, eating Little Caesar's pizza in the old house at Pin Oak Circle on a sunday afternoon as we watched the original Toy Story all together for the billionth time. I also watched Wolverine at the bi-weekly Film Geek Night at the center, which exceeded my expectations.

At the moment, I feel that I am finally at ease. It was a long process, but I'm getting back into the swing. Fortunately, I came into this semester with a good emergency fund earned over a summer of roofing, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it on something so extraneous. In fact, I was really hoping I wouldn't spend it at all so I could put it into the "law school" fund. But whatever. It's just money. It think this is all just another lesson from God that my bank account should never be the source of my stability. It's a call to put my faith in him and trust he'll provide for all that I need no matter what trials and setbacks come my way. So that's what I'm going to do now. Just pay what I have to pay for my mistakes and move on. I think I'm ready for that.

I haven't said it yet on here, but I know my target audience is reading: Thanks for all the birthday cards! It was great to hear from all of the family. I feel so far away from everyone familiar at the moment, but I know I'm not alone out here. Computer headaches aside, things are going great out here. God is doing an incredible thing in my life at the moment, and I think big changes are still to come.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No rest for the intensely excited and invigorated!

Wow, I remember a time when I was so good at keeping this blog up to date. Look at me now! I'm so ashamed. You, my fans, deserve so much better. And so, here is a series of great stories to satisfy this eleven day update hiatus I've put you through.

First of all, I finally have my own project at my internship. I'm going to stay tightlipped at the moment for confidentiality's sake, but one of these days I'll let you know all about it. I'll tell you that I'm watching a lot of films and doing a lot of research in putting this project together, so I'm almost endlessly busy. While this is quite exhausting, it feels great!

Monday and Tuesday on the lot were two very good days. For one, I got a lot of work done. Also, on Monday, I was eating lunch with Dave, who just happened to show up in the Commissary, and lo and behold, three very familiar faces were sitting at the table across from me. The first one I recognized was Jim Parsons, who I loved in Garden State for the small but hilarious role he played. Then I realized that the three of them were from Big Bang Theory. It was a cool celeb sighting. I got back from lunch, and I had a meeting request from Dan, my boss. It was for a meeting on Tuesday (the next day) with Terry Rossio!!! Now I will explain my exagerated use of the exclaimation point: while you may not know the name, you definitely know his work. Among others, he has penned all three Pirates of the Caribbean films, Shrek, National Treasure, and Aladin. And now you share my enthusiasm.

Tuesday was a quick but tiring day. For most of the morning I did a lot of research. When the afternoon rolled around, I was asked to deliver something to another building on the lot. As I walked through the Commissary, I saw the Big Band guys again, but this time all five were there. Must be some heavy shooting going on. I came back, settled into my office, and worked in anticipation of the meeting to come. When 4:30 rolled around, I heard my supervisor say, "Hello, Marc!" My heart skipped a beat. I recalled last Friday when my supervisor asked if I wanted to go to Marc Webb's house to give him tickets to a Dodger's game. I really wanted to, as Marc directed 500 Days of Summer, the last movie I saw before leaving Bristol and one which I happened to LOVE! However, it was way out of my way in Friday night traffic, so I let another intern take it. So here I was (back to Tuesday), wondering if it was really him. I was called into the office, and sure enough, it was indeed Marc Webb. I shook his hand, introduced myself, and managed to suavely hide the wave of excitement that pulsed through my body as I told my name to a director I admired for the very first time in my life. And then Terry came in. We all sat down, and Terry began telling us about screenplay structure. His advice was solid gold. I could see his experience from writing so many great films coming out. The meeting was fantastic. It'll definitely go down in the books as one of my most incredible experiences in being here.

I wish I could divulge more about what has been going on, but my mind is a blur beyond last Sunday. Oh, last Sunday was my birthday, which I celebrated by helping a friend shoot a video for a project. It was a good crew, and I really liked the actors he chose. Afterward, some people got wind that I was in fact turning 22 that very day, and I got the sense that they were scheming. At 8:30, everyone gathered at the hot tub for what was apparently a weekly ritual that I was unaware of. Afterward, we went up to a friend's apartment. I can't really say I was surprised, given how many people came with us who didn't even belong in that tower, but anyway, we go in, and there was a small party planned for me. There was even a Funfetti cake prepared for me with my name written in chocolate chips. Well, phonetically it was my name, but it was spelled "Andru" due to spacing issues. I loved it. It was a great birthday!

I have seen some great movies lately. First of all, "Zombieland". Kids, if you haven't gone yet, go. It's zombie comedy at its finest. I won't give anything away, but the writing is phenominal, and the entire theater I was in was constantly erupting with laughter, cheers, and rounds of applause for the characters. In the end was a standing ovation, which was something I had not yet seen in LA even in the most elitist of theaters.

Next, "Whip It!", Drew Barrymore's directing debut. While I'm not a fan of the way she directed some scenes, the material was solid and fun. I mean, how can a movie about a bunch of tough girls in roller derby not be fun? It was another great trip to the theater.

Well kids, I've got to get back into the pile of books that is my homework for tomorrow. The weekly academic grind begins again, but at least it ends just as abruptly in about 24 hours. I hope I won't keep you hanging so long next time around.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lost, but not forgotten

Wow! I can't believe so much time has passed since my last update! Two weeks? It just flew by!

Needless to say, I've been very busy. As far as free time goes, this is the least I've had since I started college, I am sure, except for maybe one of my Humanities semesters. That said, I'm loving every second, because my days are filled with experiences that are helping further define me as a person, as Christian, and an aspiring filmmaker. So let me go ahead and post the disclaimer that if this blog goes another two weeks untouched, it's because I'm having so many great experiences that I have no time to post about them.

My internship has been great! Pace has been building over the past few weeks. I've been getting a better feel for the company I work for, and now I feel really comfortable there. Today I got my first big project! I'm really excited, because it's kind of a thing I just decided to pick up and run with. I'd tell you more, but you know, confidentiality and all that. It's why I can't tell you most of the amazing things I get to do at Lin Pictures. Here's one I can tell you about, though: last tuesday, I was walking across the lot toward the parking garage, and I noticed a lot of commotion by the Commissary. I decided to check it out. I rounded a corner, and before my sat the most amazing vehicle I've ever seen: the Tumbler. You know, that really awesome new Batmobile from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight? I don't know if it can really transform into a motorcycle, but I don't care. It's every bit as impressive in real life as in the movie, perhaps even more so because you realize that this thing is real. Honestly, it was like seeing an X-wing Fighter right in front of me (Star Wars, fyi). Okay, so maybe not that cool, but closer to that than I would have thought initially.

I'm really getting cooking on my screenplay for class, which is good. I haven't started writing yet or anything, but the story itself is developing. I'm getting to know my characters, getting a good feel for how I want my plot points to play out, and I know exactly how I want to end it. I've got a really epic third act in mind, but it requires a good set-up in the second act, which is now my challenge. I haven't really said much about it on here, so here is a short and sweet synopsis: A man starts dreaming about dying, comes to realize he is part human and part Guardian Angel, goes around saving people, realizes there are demons trying to take over the city, and sets out to save it. Does it sound like Constantine? Maybe so. But I plan to make my story better than Constantine, so don't throw the rotten tomatoes yet, please.

Here's a few great movies I've seen lately:
Chinatown - read the screenplay and LOVED it, and Jack Nicholson gives another solid performance as Gittes in this noirish '70's classic.
Garden State - a movie people love to hate, but I loved it, partly due to the phenomenal soundtrack. However, it's deeper than that: despite an somewhat existential worldview. I really connected to the characters. In a way, I felt like I had walked in the shoes of both Braff and Portman's characters. The ending, when "Let Go" by Frou Frou comes in, is burned into my memory like those red spots on your retinas when you look into the sun.
Swimming with Sharks - a lot of my peers hated it, but I like it. It wasn't really finessed, but it hit some solid points and really made me think. If it makes me think, then the film succeeded, at least in my book.
The Orphanage - one of the greatest horror films I've seen, chiefly because it doesn't approach the genre as an end in itself, but rather uses it to convey meaningful message of hope. I was delighted by the ending in many ways.

Okay, so it's super late on a Friday and I'm wired from the coffee I drank to keep me up through Solaris. Problem is, that movie is so slow paced that even coffee didn't help. I'll just have to finish it tomorrow. I just hope I can get to sleep now :/